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juanace Profiilin Tiedot

I can't show U the best part of me...yet
Ikä 57 Kaupungista Bedford, Texas - Kirjautunut sisään - Yli 2 viikkoa sitten
Mies Hae A Naista

Perus Informaatio

Osaan puhua  
Englanti, Espanja
Kuvailisin itseäni  
Where do I start..... I am originally from Indiana... However I have
been here in Texas for the better part of my life... I am a Cowboy
and a Cowboy fan at heart!! I have worked in the aviation industry
my entire career. I am starting over with everything heading in a
new direction in my career and relationships (dating), etc. I have
alot of close friends who mean the world to me who look after me
and inspire me, and I will say that FAMILY and FRIENDS are what is
important to me.. I have achieved pretty much everything I have set
out to do in life...except in one area .....finding that one
special person.. I don't neccessarily do the bar scene much, but if
I am with that special lady.... Hey Mami Lets go dancing!!! I also
enjoy camping, walking, weight lifting, bike riding, shopping
(Yeh I know I said shopping), goint to movies, snuggling in front
of the fire place :)and fine dinning, oh did I mention kissing alot.
I also like trying newthings, Yeh I have a bucket list so far it is:
sky diving, scuba diving, bungee jumping, Salsa lessons, getting my pilot's license
or perhaps you have some??..I am open to trying new things :0)???? I am a very affectionate, passionate, loyal person and love spoiling that very special lady in my life... Some
(most) can't handle it....meaning-- one sided relationships (selfish) I do
not care for.. Communication is the key for me in keeping a special
relationship... and that requires HONESTY.. I do have a little side
kick (mini daschund) who has taught me alot about
life...unconditional love... He is awesome!! A well dressed
Beautiful lady catches my eye, however the Beauty on the INSIDE is what captures me! ...
Show me who you are...don't tell me:). "YOU AREWHAT YOU LOVE NOT WHAT LOVES YOU" So what do you love? You know, There is
something about a girl in a baseball cap, drives me wild!!!!....
:0)...I am looking for a girl who is my best friend first and you never know ...... soul mates?.
Are you the one?:

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on  
Pituuteni on  
5' 7 (1.7 m)
Silmienvärini on  
Etninen taustani on  
Aviosäätyni on  
Minulla on lapsia  
Haluan lapsia  
En ole varma
Paras puoleni on  
Hiukseni ovat  
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista  
Olen valmis muuttamaan  


Koulutukseni taso on  
Jonkin verran Lukiota
Työllisyys tilanteeni on  
Työ tittelini on  
Aerospace Quality Inspector
Tuloni per vuosi  
$75,000USD - $99,999USD
Kaikki on rauhallista


Yläasteella olin  
Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni  
Sivustaseuraaja, Ystävällinen, Aina menossa
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat  
Lukeminen, Elokuvat, Ruokailla, Teatteri, Matkustaminen, Kokkaus, Telttailu
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on  
Kavereiden kanssa hengailu, Kotona oleskelu, Uusien asioiden kokeilu, Elokuvat, Rentoutuminen, Menen Kasinolle, Konserttiin meneminen, Museossa käyminen
Unelma treffini olisivat  
My ideal first date would be a nice dinner and possible a movie... I would like time to get to know you .
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla  
I have this mental list of the things I would like to do before I die...or get too old lol .
Some of the things are... sky diving, bungee jumping, canoeing...
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan  
Ystävällinen, Joku jota muut kadehtii


Uskontoni on  
Käyn säännöllisesti  
Kerran kuukaudessa
Tavoitteeni elämässäni on  
To be a good friend, husband, lover...To bring somthing positive into this world...
Minun tapainen huumori on  
Ystävällinen, Hassu


Televisiosta katson  
Uutiset, Dokumentit, Elokuvat, Urheilu
Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan  
Toiminta, Scifi, Komedia, Romanssi, Draama, Perhe, Animaatio, Trilleri
Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina  
Country musiikki, Rock musiikki, Pop musiikki, Jazz musiikki, Latina, Kaiken kattava, Dance musiikki, Soul musiikki, Reggae musiikki
Kun luen, luen aina  
Uutiset, Luonto, Tiede, Scifi, Urheilu, Tekninen
Käsitykseni hauskanpidosta on  
My idea of fun taking Salsa lessons (do you Salsa?), catching a movie and dinner, seeing the country, sight seeing, spending Autum in the Northern states, going to the lake, oh and I hate to admit it but I like shopping :0)...


Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?  
Viisaus, Hyvä ulkonäkö, Huumori, Hyvät taidot, Empatia, Herkkyys, Flirttaileva, Ajattelevaisuus
Mitä etsit?  
Where do I start... I am originally from Indiana... However have
been here in Texas for the better part of my life... I am a cowboy
and a cowboy fan at heart!! I have worked in the aviation industry
my entire career. I am starting over with everything heading in a
new direction in my career and relationships (dating), etc. I have
alot of close friends who mean the world to me who look after me
and inspire me, and I will say that FAMILY and FRIENDS are what is
important to me.. I have achieved pretty much everything I have set
out to do in life...except in one area ...finding that one
special person.. I don't neccessarily do the bar scene much, but if
I am with that special lady... Hey Mami Lets go dancing!!! I also
enjoy camping, walking, weight lifting, bike riding, shopping,
goint to movies, snuggling in front of the fire place :)and fine
dinning, oh did I mention kissing alot. I also like trying new
things, are you up for sky diving, scuba diving, bungee jumping or
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?  
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