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hyerlevo Информация профиля

Возраст 62 из Yazoo, Mississippi - Онлайн - Более 2 недель назад
Женщина Ищу Женщину

Базовая информация

Говорю на языках:  
Я бы описал(а) себя как  
Hello and thanks for reading my profile. Let me start by saying I really don't feel that my interest should be something that attracts another to me but who I am as a person inside should. I think far too many people believe that compatabilty will hold a relationship together...not true at all! It only means that you share a common interest.

With that said...I consider myself to be a sensitive soul that is very patient when it comes to my significant other. My soul yearns for peace in my relationship, meaning if you have plenty of issues in your thought process, I can try my best to help and be there for you but I cannot and will not allow you to be co-dependant of my will to help...you will have to take charge and own up to your reality sooner than later. This is not intended to be mean but to help as I would wish for the same.

I seek a balance in my life always. I'm sometime serious and silly, energetic and lazy, practical and nonpractical, caring but not an enablier. I think you see what I mean by balance right?

As far as what my spiritual beleif is...I don't buy into one faith anymore. I believe their is a creator and we all have it's good nature even though some have tons of baggages layered on top of their thinking which inturn make them/us act out in different ways. I beleive that religion can also add to that baggage factor in both positive and negative ways.

I am not one to have to always be in the presence of someone else. I do value my alone time and am strong enough to stay alone until I feel the right person for me comes along.

My essential demenor is very tomgirlish. I love doing things that most deem for guys such as carpentry, working out, working on cars, ect. I also have a "girlish" side as well...notice I didn't say feminine. I sometimes enjoy doing the traditional "girlish" things such as cooking pampering and spoiling my lady.

I am a Very respectable woman with high morals and values! Spiritually grounded unafraid to embraces my orientation.

My attraction is to women who take care of themselves physically, mentally and spiritually as it is a reflection of myself.

I AM a sensitive soul that truly honors unconditional love. I AM a young soul with a mature additude. I cherish my body so I watch what goes in it (what I eat) and who I let handle it. I AM not your stereotypical same gender attracted female. I dance to the beat of my own drum.

Sorry, I'm not a paid member and will not become one until I feel that there is someone in which they could possibly be my life partner. I am also on OKCUPID which is a free site to communicate so if you can look me up there if you feel so incline.
Hope to see ya there

Good day!
Знак зодиака  

Внешность и семейное положение

Мой рост  
172 см
Мои глаза  
Моя этническая принадлежность  
Семейное положение  
У меня есть дети  
Хочу детей  
Пирсинг… ушей
Мои волосы  
Домашние животные  
Нет животных
Хочу переехать  


Неоконченное высшее
Работаю на себя
Род занятий  
Все очень спокойно
Отношение к курению  
Да, в компаниях


В школе я был(а):  
Мое социальное поведение  
Сама дружелюбность, Наблюдательное, Сдержанное
Интересы и увлечения:  
Кэмпинг, Приготовление еды, Упражнения, Интернет, Учеба, Фильмы, Музыка, Чтение, Религия, Театр, Путешествия, Волонтерство
Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени  
Пойду на концерт, Расслабление, Спать, Фильмы, Пробовать новое
Я всегда хотел попробовать  
A lesbian cruise
Друзья считают что я:  


Моя религия  
Не поддерживаю религии
Посещение служб:  
Раз в год
Моя цель в жизни  
To find my soul and spirit mate and live in Maui. Buy an RV and travel the states.
Мой юмор  
Сама дружелюбность


По телевизору, я всегда смотрю  
Мультфильмы, Документальное кино, Драма, Ситкомы, Обучающие программы, Фильмы
Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов:  
Комедии, Мелодрамы, Драмы, Документальные
Предпочитаемая музыка  
Кантри, Джаз, Латинская, Нью-эйдж, Поп, Регги
Я люблю читать:  
Здоровье, Обучающие программы, Философия
Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения  
amusement parks, camping, road trips

В поиске

Считаю привлекательным:  
Сопереживание, Красота, Умения, Интеллект, Чувствительность, Спонтанность, Внимание
Что и кого ищете?  
A good heart and soul. Integrity and honesty. Mentaaly, spiritually and physically balanced. Thoughtful, caring and committed.
Ищу отношения типа:  
Интернет друг, Друг, Серьезные отношения