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**ALL About Andrew Friedman!**
Év 51 Honnan való? Fertility, Pennsylvania - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Idegen nyelvek:  
I´m a SWM / BHM (Big Handsome Man) / 5´9" / I was extruded on 09/24/1972 in Brooklyn, NY at 10:10 AM on Sunday morn'n / I weigh in at 260 LB / Short blk. hr. - Army Ranger-styled crew cut / Shaved head / Salt & pepper hr. / Big brn. eyes / Usually clean-shaven, but sometimes I maintain a little stubble / I wear size 12 boots, & size 13 shoes / I dress casually / Have lightly tanned skin / Wear glasses, w/black frames / No kids, but want someday / Never married. I'm SINGLE / No tatts / No body piercings / No pets / I live alone / I rent an apt. in the 'burbs' / Non-smk. / Non-drnk. / Messianic Jew (Believer in Jesus Christ).

My Attributes

*Humorous - I love to imitate others making folks laugh & to spread cheer is a birth-gift I've been given. I LOVE to mimic old song artists, as well. Funny stuff! Lol
*Very easy to talk to *Polite *Kind *Caring *Courteous *Considerate *Tactful *Creative
*Flexible *On-time, (usually early, for a date)
*Artistic *Affectionate *Passionate

*Miracles That Actually Happened To Me, In 11/2006! The Following is a TRUE Story. Read It, & Dare To Believe.*

In 11/2006, I came home one night, feeling broken, & beat down by the world. I was just about broke, I had no relationship with my family in the previous 5 years, & it was very poor anyway with them, so ... I also felt like ending my life right then & there, due to continuous thoughts of hopelessness, as well as other tormenting thoughts... social ´fears, ´ as well as this unfounded fear that people were tryn´a kill me, in the middle of the night.

It was the wierdest thing; I felt ´compelled´ to just start praying. I said:
"OK, Jesus. Help me. You win. I can´t do this anymore. IF you´re real, You show me! Here I am ... I´m sorry I cursed out my parents & for rejecting you. Here, look ... I´ll call my father to appologise to him ... (So, I called my dad to appologise to him, & after I called him up to leave him a messege, I cried out): Look. You see? I told you! Where are you, Jesus? Help me, please. I can´t do this on my own anymore ... Please forgive me. Help me! I´m sorry I rejected you ..."

So I´m standing there with tears running down my face staring up at the ceiling as if I was ´expecting´ to hear from Him, or feel something, & I did! -- All of the sudden, I felt this overwhelming peace come over my entire body. -- The tormenting thoughts of hopelessness, & ending my life, INSTANTLY left my head, & was replaced by the soothing, comforting, & emotionally-stabilizing Holy Spirit. He instantly healed my bottom left rear moler, as well.

My right ankle was diseased; it used to lock up on me, an average of 10 times per month, & was stiff practcally every other day, in that 5 year period. I had a medical condition called "Effusion" in the joint ... -- It instantly healed up, & when no other Dr. helped me because I had no insurance to cover an operation. I was snubbed & rejected in emergency rooms by several different "Dr..´s." - both in NJ, & here in PA. Not surprising, in this cold-blooded medical system! -- JC healed my ankle, when the world litterally coldly turned it´s back on me. I was miraculously healed, in an instant!

My Being A Follower Of Christ Does Not Mean ...

...that I've lost my manhood
...that I no longer have feelings like the average Joe who, has not been forgiven, by Christ
...that I am 'poifect, ' as I am quite 'impoifect.'
...that I do not know how to laugh & have a good time with my friends
...that I am not a human being, with human emotions like you. I have them! --

Pay Attention - I AM NOT able to retrieve my responses on this website. I have a basic status, on this site.

Megjelenés és helyzete

Telt és szép
1.75 m
Szemeim színe  
Családi állapotom  
Vannak gyerekeim  
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Nem is gondolkodom ilyenen
Hajam színe:  
Só és bors
Nincs háziállat


Némi főiskola
Önálló vállalkozó
Evangelical clergy
Ez évi bevételem  
Kevesebb mint 3,656,235 HUF
Nyugodt környezet
Kedvelem az alkoholt  


A középiskolában  
Szociális magatartásom:  
Figyelmes, Barátságos, Komikus, Furcsa
Olvasás, Tanulás, Zene, Televizió, Filmek, Internet, Tánc, Főzés, Gépkocsik, Számítógépek
Tökéletes szórakozás?  
Barátkozás, Otthon tartózkodás, Filmezés, Lazítás, Számítógépes játékok, Televizió
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:  
With you, obviously.
Mindig kipróbáltam volna a(z)  
Alot of things. Lol
Így látnak barátaim:  
Barátságos, Királyinak, Mocskosnak, Ostobának


Vallási nézeteim:  
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:  
Hetente egyszer
Is to find a great christian woman.
Okos, Barátságos, Ostobának, Burleszk, Mocskosnak


Mit nézek?  
Hírek, Dokumentumfilm, Dráma, Oktató műsorok, Filmek, Sportok, Valóság show-k
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Akció, Tudományos fantasztikum, Komédia, Dráma, Dokumentum film, Horror
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Rap, Rock, Elektronikus, Pop, Porszívó zajok, Dance, Soul, Gospel
Mit olvasok?  
Ókori, Matematika, Vallásos irodalom, Technnikai irodalom
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:  
Fun with you, in any way we see fit to have it.


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Tudás, Humor, Ügyesség, Érzékenység, Különlegességek, Komolyság
Mi az ami után kutat?  
U MUST be of the Christian faith. I dod not seek, nor will I settle for another wicked unbeliever in Jesus Christ. I will no longer settle for just anyone anylonger. Yer coldblooded, &/or humorless? GO AWAY. Not me, never again.
Mi után kutat?  
Dátum, Intim kapcsolat, Elkötelezettség