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Ginakewuw Profiilin Tiedot

I’m Not Shiny And Giggly I’m Good Catch
Ikä 55 Kaupungista Marne, Ohio - Kirjautunut sisään - 1 viikkoa sitten
Nainen Hae A Miestä

Perus Informaatio

Kuvailisin itseäni  
I’m loyal to a fault. I’m honest, I'm a whole bunch of fun, I love adventures, I love to travel, I can carry on an intelligent conversation, I'm funny, and dependable in serious situations.

Actions speaks louder than words with me. If you are not willing to put forth an effort into a relationship and to me, or, are the type to just throw me away, then don't waste any of my time or your time.

If you want a good, honest, loyal, and faithful woman, here I am!! I bring a lot to the table. I am a Sicilian woman who is educated, cultured, and well traveled. I have a good job (I work 3 jobs actually), I make good money, I can cook, and, I clean. Treat me right, and I will move mountains for you. Treat me bad, you get nothing.

I like men who are NOT married. Seriously man, go home to your wife where you belong!!! I want someone who is honest, caring, loving, FAITHFUL, and not into games or playing me. I want to be their first and ONLY choice. I’m tired of crying. I want someone who will actually spend time with me instead of texting all the time. I want a real relationship. Please no more lies and empty promises. My heart can’t take anymore of that. If you are not serious about having a serious relationship, I don’t want to talk to you. I’m busy turning over stones looking for the man who is going to be my Mr. Wonderful. I want my last first kiss.

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on  
Pituuteni on  
5' 5 (1.65 m)
Etninen taustani on  


Koulutukseni taso on  
Korkeakoulu tutkinto
Työllisyys tilanteeni on  
Hallinnollinen / Johto
Työ tittelini on  
HR Manager/Safety Director
Tuloni per vuosi  
$75,000USD - $99,999USD
Kaikki on rauhallista
Kyllä - Seurassa
Kyllä - Seurassa